Meet Carolyn A. Jones and Jana Kadovitz
Carolyn Jones - I am from Chattanooga TN, I earned a Bachelors of Science and began my career as an Energy Architect. I am a Certified Life Coach, Certified Akashic Records Practitioner, and Reiki Master Teacher. I enjoy Hiking, Reading, Traveling, and Cooking.
Jana Kadovitz L.Ac., Dipl.Ac - I am from Woodland Hills, CA. I have a Masters of Traditional Oriental Medicine, I'm a Licensed Acupuncturist, Certified Life Coach, and Reiki Master Teacher. I love Reading, Exercising, and Traveling.

Our Work

In 2017, we combined all of our skills and gifts and founded the Holistic Institute of Wellness (HIW). We have trained over 100 individuals in various levels of Reiki healing, shamanic studies, Beyond Beliefs, energy awareness and meditation. We have a number of practitioners that have been trained through HIW that offer sound healing, Reiki, Life Coaching, Bio-field tuning, Aromatherapy and much more. Our vision is to continue to impact the world around us by being in service to the greater whole.
Our Life
Carolyn - I was sitting in a cubicle in corporate America pondering why I was here on the planet and thinking this can’t be all there is. This led me down a path of self-discovery and helped me determine my passion...people. Empowering people, inspiring people. I became a Certified Life Coach in 2008 and started my business part time until 2010. At that time, I made a leap into my own business and it has grown from there. Adding different modalities along the way and then expanding in 2017 when Jana & I formed HIW together.

Jana - I was a fitness trainer and was working with individual clients who had experienced strokes and heart attacks. When I would ask what they were doing for pain management they would tell me acupuncture. I began to hear about acupuncture more and more. I was at a crossroads and knew I was going back to school. I wasn’t sure if I was going the eastern route or western route but the acupuncture intrigued me. After some soul searching and researching I knew without doubt this was my path. I have been an acupuncturist now for 21 years and have expanded my training from traditional to esoteric.
Carolyn & Jana are partners in Life and also in Business. They live happily in Knoxville, TN with their sweet furbabies.


How did your Purpose lead you to Regenrus?

We were introduced to Cindy Tysinger and Brenda Raley through Carol Montgomery of Green Village Green at a local meeting in Knoxville in May 2018. I knew the moment I met these ladies, that we were destined for great things as our companies are so synergistic and we are all focused on the holistic wellness of the individual and planet. I truly love what Regenrus represents and how they serve through their exclusive wellness products and new certified non-toxic skin care line, addressing the body inside and out.
The Holistic Institute of Wellness
The Holistic Institute of Wellness is the brainchild of Carolyn A. Jones and Jana Kadovitz and their collective experience in the holistic healing field. To learn more visit the Holistic Institute of Wellness Website.
The Institute is a Wellness Education Center that offers a variety of classes and trainings including meditation, Reiki, Energy Anatomy, Shamanic studies and Beyond Beliefs.
“Our mission is to educate the general public on how holistic healing techniques and tools can change ones life on a spiritual, mental, emotional and physical level. Our mission was born out of our vision to bring healing to the planet on a global scale by touching one life at a time.”
Carolyn brings a lifetime of spiritual knowledge and 10 years of holistic training to the Institute including intuitive and energetic coaching, Reiki, Quantum-Touch®, Akashic Records and energy medicine.
Jana brings 20 plus years of holistic experience to the Institute through various modalities of energy work including Reiki, Chinese and Esoteric Acupuncture, along with spiritual transformational coaching.
“We not only provide alternative healing that will easily compliment western medicine but we also assist you in your personal growth by bridging the gap between traditional and spiritual belief systems.”
“All of our classes and trainings provide a safe container for expression and transformation. We hold the intention that you expand your consciousness and uncover your authentic self by taking personal responsibility for your conscious creations.”