Today, in a world such as ours, we find society at odds with one another. Differing opinions, politics, ethics – they all make for conflict. Though there is such thing as positive conflict, but it's often handled in a negative way, partially due to our inability to handle conflict effectively. This leads to acts of disrespect, or erasure even, of the opinions, culture and history of others. How can we change this? What can we do as a community to redirect our actions to acts of positivity, respect and support for one another, despite our differences? We can address this in many ways, but today we'd like to share a few ideas to start you on your journey to a more respectful, compassionate self and the culture you perpetuate daily.

Be Authentic. Live as a reflection of your values, ideals and principles you've been taught and carry within you. This is how change within others is enacted and can reaffirm to others their value in you. When we learn to be authentic with ourselves and others, we become more honest and more transparent when we least expect it. This can be anything from learning to say no when its needed, or sharing your truth when it comes to situations that might make it hard to be truthful. Authenticity invokes strength, a strength that carries from yourself and to others.
Show and Share Recognition. We often forget about the power of the words, "thank you." Life at home or out in the workplace can be stressful. People find themselves operating with "blinders on," focusing only on what's in front of them for the sake of meeting a deadline or sealing that final deal. In these behaviors, we lose sight of those beside us, supporting and pushing us onward and upward. We can change these patterns with a simple expression of gratitude or recognition, in more ways than one. A simple "thank you" in person, written or even in the form of a small gift creates a heartwarming sense of acceptance and acknowledgement. At Regenrus, our team takes pride in sharing kudos with one another as an opportunity to recognize those who have helped us when we needed it most. In doing so, we've created an environment of acceptance and embraced humility. We are proud to share a time when we needed help and praise those who came through and provided support.
Be Here, Be Now, Be Present. Our society operates on an instant gratification system. We want it right here, right now, with no expectations of delay. This sense of urgency has made its way through several operating systems, even within businesses. We're constantly pulled every which way as we all try to accomplish our own goals. This often means we're found multitasking, not wholly focused on a single objective or even a single person who stands before you, seeking your attention. That lack of attention paid to the other individual can invoke self-conscious thoughts, such as a lack of self-worth, despite our intentions. We can change these patterns with the simplest of steps. When someone approaches you, set the phone down, or remove the headphones and wholly direct your attention to the person in front of you. Your undivided attention speaks louder than any words you could say in that moment.
Stop and Listen This directly ties in with our previous point. Though you've halted your activity for the sake of paying attention to others, we find our thoughts may tend to drift back towards what you feel you should be accomplished in that moment. Reciprocate the attention and care devoted to you by actively engaging in the conversation. Actively listen by asking questions, offer anecdotes, or even help if the situation seems demanding of such support. By showing that you're listening, engaging with this person, you've created an environment of support and respect. These opportunities will come back to reward you one day when you may need it most.

Encourage and Support Individuality. This sentiment resounds with our aforementioned authenticity. If we've embraced our authentic selves and are living our truth, we find that we're more able to see the truth in others. We can perpetuate the beauty and individuality of others through words of encouragement, active support of the individual and their passions, or by actively listening to the individual. Humans thrive most when they feel the most themselves and the most supported by those within their inner circles. When we support each other, we support ourselves, we support our Global Community.
Though we could discuss this topic at great lengths, we hope these beginning steps and examples are formative in your journey to creating a culture of respect, both within yourself and outward towards others. Let us actively engage in efforts to change the way our society operates, one simple act at a time.