Now that we have identified the six basic skin types in Building and Perfecting your SKIN by REGEN Routine: Part One, it's time to discuss the proper order and frequency of our products for your specific skin type by Highlighting and Perfecting your SKIN by REGEN Routine: Part Two. Remember, it's not a one-size-fits-all approach when selecting skin care products so it's crucial to properly determine your skin type as to tailor your products and solutions accordingly. Choosing the wrong products can wreak havoc for your skin. The SKIN by REGEN initial classic skin care line will include only the cleanest ingredients you can trust in a Cleanser, Exfoliator, Toner, Serum, Face and Body moisturizer, oil.... so let's TALK SKIN BY REGEN

Two of the most consistently asked questions Tiffany and I receive are, "what is the correct order of skin care products and do we really need all of these steps twice per day?"
In a nutshell, even if you feel like you have the best skincare routine down, applying the products in the wrong order can prevent your skin from experiencing the full product benefits and reaching it's ultimate potential. This can lessen the overall effectiveness of your daily routine and possibly lead to other skin care concerns, such as dryness and irritation.
Also, we have said that it's best to do a double cleanse, however, you can generally skip this step in the mornings as you are prepping the skin for the day, but we recommend the full skin care line both morning and evening. As a general rule, you should always apply your skin care products in order of thinnest to thickest. The lighter the product, the easier time penetrating the skin, meanwhile, the heavier products and oils should be saved for seal the deal! SKIN by REGEN face oil should be applied last OVER your daytime sunscreen and prior to your makeup. This can be applied with just a few drops of oil massaged in as needed to lock in moisture.
Please take a look at the chart outlined here and although we advise on using the full classic line morning and evening, this is only the recommendation and based upon your skin care type and individual skin care needs. SKIN by REGEN is clean, simple and without harsh ingredients so it's safe and gentle to use every day.
Highlighting and Perfecting your SKIN by REGEN daily Routine should include, cleansing, exfoliating, toning, serum, moisturizer, sunscreen and finally oil as needed.

Routine: FULL Order
EXTRA: NONE, can handle a variety of skin care products

Routine: FULL Order
EXTRA: lacking oil production so paying particularly close to the moisturizer step is key and oil as final step to lock in moisture; may mix face oil with concealer under the eyes for a smoother appearance.

Routine: FULL Order
EXTRA: has built-in oil, so paying particularly close attention to the toner step is key for balancing the skin

Routine: FULL Order
EXTRA: achieve the balance and target areas of the face with different products based upon your skin's specific needs

Routine: FULL Order
EXTRA: gets irritated and red easily.... it's simply more delicate skin that you can’t be aggressive with so paying particularly close the the exfoliation process. Do not scrub harshly.

Routine: FULL Order
EXTRA: address fine lines and wrinkles and should pay particularly close attention to the serums and oils to add that dewy glow packed with anti aging ingredients and lock in moisture.