I am always intrigued and inspired to attend events when I learn that a conscious entrepreneur will be speaking and sharing their life story. My most recent entrepreneur I had the privilege to listen to was Philip J. Romano as part of the Success North Dallas networking group which is under a really a great leadership team. I came away enlightened and so I wanted to share my experience which I hope you will enjoy reading. I didn’t have a lot of knowledge of who Philip J. Romano was before listening to him. They featured him as holding the record for being the only person to create six national (and successful) restaurant concepts: Fuddruckers, Romano’s Macaroni Grill, Spageddies, Cozymel’s, Rudy’s Country Store and BBQ and Eatzi’s Market & Bakery. I thought, it would be great to hear his story as I have had the pleasure of eating at 5 of the 6 national restaurants he had created and enjoyed them on several occasions. I was always impressed at how Fuddruckers early on had a fresh eating approach way back in the 90’s with putting your own toppings on a delicious burger. I enjoyed walking up to the fresh display of lettuce, tomatoes, pickles and onions making it the perfect burger for me and no wilted lettuce. So I knew he was a forward thinking entrepreneur and to have been the only restaurant doing that. Macaroni Grill was oh so delicious and like me if you are a bread lover you probably could have made a meal out of the warm bread dipping it in olive oil with seasoning, as just writing about it gets my taste buds to wake up.

I was looking forward to meeting him and as I was driving to the event I found myself reflecting back on my very first entrepreneurial business where I launched “The Landing Restaurant” a Restaurant, Gazebo and Bar back in 1990. It was a beautiful restaurant, situated on a very large lake with several hundred miles of shore line and acres of rolling farm land, majestic hardwood trees, incredible wildlife and beautiful homes. I had designed and built a beautiful A-Frame waterfront home on this lake back in my home state of Virginia. I loved and enjoyed cooking and watching people enjoying delicious food, drinking wine and having great conversations and thought this was my destiny to align my passion with my work. When I started I see now my dream was big, I was a single mom and I wanted to retire on this beautiful lake, I was home schooling my children and thought my life was perfect. Unfortunately reality set it and I learned first-hand how hard owning a restaurant was based on my experience and came away with lots of lessons learned knowing the restaurant business was definitely not for me. In only 1-1/2 years my dream came crumbling down and I shut down my entrepreneurial spirit and went back to working in the Technology field again to pay the bills. As I look back now, it was really cool experience to own a restaurant, my family and friends were working alongside me, going to work by boat, spending quality time with family and friends, met new friends that we have kept for almost 3 decades and made lots of great memories to add to our life journey. The best part of following my dream and owning the restaurant was, this is actually where I met my husband Phil. If I had not had the courage to open the restaurant and follow my dream, I would have not met Phil and my life would be totally different, so I am really grateful that I did as we have been happily married since 1992. It’s how you bounce back from failure is what makes you stronger. There is always things that are good in every situation for you to be grateful for and I am really thankful I took the risk to follow my dream instead of regretting never doing it.
So now back to the meeting as it is about to start and I find a seat sitting with a total group of strangers. Philip opened his speech stating he is a MAD Entrepreneur, that we all need to get MAD and how he was proud that he wakes up MAD and goes to bed MAD which made him successful. I was suddenly taken back, not believing what I just heard my brain saying wait, what did he just say. Then I thought to myself he is definitely not the type of entrepreneur I am going to resonate with. As all who know me, I am a warm, heart centered conscious entrepreneur. Then I said to myself, you already paid to attend so you can at least listen to what he has to say and hopefully glean something of value from his speech that you can learn from and relate to in your business.

Then after what felt like an eternity was a few minutes of silence, he proceeded to talk about how MAD meant MAKING A DIFFERENCE and that his purpose was about MAKING A DIFFERENCE in the World, in Business and in Life. A little embarrassed, I thought to myself how quickly I judged him and wondered how often I did that. I made a mental note to be more aware of my tendencies around judging others. Then as you can imagine my heart burst open, ears perked up, now leaning in to the conversation feeling this guy is really cool, I really like him. I realize, we are truly connected at another level as that is exactly what I am trying to do in launching Regenrus as an Integrated Health and Wellness Benefit company. Where we are MAKING A DIFFERENCE, By BEING THE CHANGE we want to see in this world for People, Animals and our Planet. At Regenrus, We Love Rising Together by aligning and focusing on achieving balance through Work.Life.Purpose! Philip was very successful with aligning his Work, Life and Purpose so my vision was just like his. I then realized I AM A MAD entrepreneur too and from now on I am going to wear it proudly! Let me introduce myself, I am Cindy Tysinger a MAD Entrepreneur.
I listened to Philip talk about his journey as a MAD entrepreneur and was so impressed by so many aspects of what he shared that resonated with me. There were several times when he was told he shouldn’t do something and had he listened to the “so called” experts he would not be where he is today. I hear that all the time from people who say “it can’t be done”, “you should do it this way”, “people don’t care about social impact as much as you do” you need to be more of a realist. He follows his gut instincts, and his intuition which is something I could definitely relate to. I get so fired up and passionate about Regenrus, it is hard for me to contain myself when others don’t see what I see and how life could be better for them. He shared I want to make a difference and create my destiny not take orders from others. With that statement I thought that is definitely who I am. I knew I started Regenrus to encourage and empower others, especially women to take a serious look at their life and if they are not doing what they want to be doing they should take a look at what else is out there. At Regenrus our benefit if you want to be an entrepreneur, is you can be your own CEO build a small business or a large business, build it slow, part time while still working at your J.O.B or fast making full-time income for financial freedom. When partnering with Regenrus people are making a difference and that is what life is all about. It will change your life forever when you hear how you have helped someone improve their health and quality of life. It feels so good to be a part of a bigger social impact in every aspect of your business while doing what you love to do with flexibility and freedom.

Philip and I also agree on the importance of values, principles and I especially enjoyed his concepts around the organization chart he shared when talking about his son Sam and how at 55 when Sam was born he wanted to be the best father and share his business knowledge with his son. I too work with my sons now in 3 of my business endeavors and I love working with family. So he went on to teach him everything he knew and to help Sam he designed an organization chart for guiding principles for him to live by through college and then he updated the organization chart after college to live by through his lifetime.
What I loved, is If you notice Health is at the top of both of his Organization Charts and he shared how it was the most important because if you didn’t have your health the rest didn’t matter. People spend the beginning of their lifetime chasing money not caring about their health and then spend their money later in life paying for their health that they didn’t take care of. Without your health you cannot live your most vibrant life and fulfill your life’s purpose.
I truly encourage you to read Philip Romano’s latest book “The MAD Entrepreneur” MAKING A DIFFERENCE in the WORLD, IN BUSINESS AND IN LIFE it is a great read!
My key takeaway is that many people including myself have taken advantage of our health going through the different seasons of life as a child, teenager, young adult, adult, parent, grandparent, including the sandwich generation taking care of children and parents at the same time. Life gets in the way and we have that voice in the back of our mind telling us what we need to do and how we should be following the right path that your health shouldn’t be taken for granted. Watching what we put in our bodies, how much we should exercise and embracing and practicing our individual spiritual wellbeing is what allows us to live vibrantly in harmony and balance. I have focused on work way too much in wanting the best for my family, falling off the wagon and picking up bad habits and becoming out of balance which is not healthy. The good news is it is never too late to start again, each day is a new beginning allowing for the opportunity to do just that. Wherever you are in your life right now, get back on the path to balance and wellness reach out for help as I did, if you are already there, fantastic keep doing what you are doing knowing there is always room for improvement. Science has taught us there is so much we can do preventatively to help our bodies stay strong and/or heal our bodies if provided with the right nutrition, exercise and mindset. I am the first to say I am always a work in progress, some days I do really good and others I don’t do as well. I try not to beat myself up about it. What I do know is I choose to life my passion and purpose with all my heart and spending as much time with my family and friends which is my most joyful times. My sister Brenda and co-founder says collect memories not things and those are some mighty wise words. I feel so much joy through the gifts that Regenrus is bringing to my life and the world. I hope you will consider learning more about our purpose and joining us to make our world better together.
About The Author
Cindy Tysinger born “Cindy Love” is the Founder and Chief Culture Officer of Regenrus. What started with her own personal health journey blossomed into a team of holistic, heart-centered herbalists, scientists, business experts and a vibrant community committed to reimagining the way wellness can be so we can make it a reality for people, animals and our planet.